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Laura_Paetau © Flavio Karrer.jpg


[she/her] Dramaturge - Consultant for queer-feminist and postmigrant perspectives, anti-sexism and anti-racism, diversity-oriented organizational development

Laura Paetau studied sociology at Humboldt University of Berlin and political science at Free University of Berlin, and taught feminist interventions in pop culture at various institutes of both universities. Additionally, she studied theories on racism and belonging with john a. powell at the University of California, Berkeley. Together with the (heidy) collective, she curated the exhibition "What is queer today is not queer tomorrow." Her first work as a dramaturge was the production "Frutas Afrodisíacas" at Studio Я of the Maxim Gorki Theater and Ballhaus Naunynstraße, where she also created other works. Eventually, she worked for several years as a dramaturge at Schauspielhaus Zürich, collaborating with directors Leonie Böhm, Nicolas Stemann, Suna Gürler, Trajal Harrell, Yana Ross, and Joana Tischkau. She also curated the discourse series "Exit Racism" and the comedy format "Security" together with Thelma Buabeng. Laura Paetau has extensive experience in diversity-oriented organizational development. Her works have been invited to the Salzburg Festival, the Venice Biennale, the Cannes Film Festival, the New York Film Festival, and the BFI London.

Laura speaks German, Spanish and English. 

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D&I Storydevelopment - Consulting on ​Gender, Diversity and Inclusion

Marienburger Str. 5/5a, 10405 Berlin, Germany


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