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Otana Thiede_edited.png


[she/her] Consultant for D&I storytelling, racism, sexism, mental health & DDR-Socialisation


Otana Thiede comes from Schwerin, is a trained nurse and has completed the Physikum for medical studies. She studied musicology, German and art in Berlin. She made music, acted in theater and began writing short films. She has been working as a television operator at Deutsche Welle since 2000.


In 2008 she graduated from the Filmschule Hamburg Berlin as a screenwriter. Since then, she has been working on various concepts for series and films, has written several short stories and has done some editing. For the crime thriller "Dreck am Stecken" in collaboration with Carolin Brenner, she was nominated for the author award DER CLOU at the crime thriller festival Tatort Eifel in 2011. In 2020 she worked in the Writer's Room for the concept development of a children's sketch comedy for Ostlicht-Filmproduktion GmbH. She is currently working with Leticia Milano on the series "Der Riss", funded by the Filmförderung Mecklenburg Vorpommern. As a consultant, she provides diversity-critical editing for screenplays, treatments and fiction concepts and works as a sensitivity reader.​

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D&I Storydevelopment - Consulting on ​Gender, Diversity and Inclusion

Marienburger Str. 5/5a, 10405 Berlin, Germany


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