RISING GAZE advises people from the cultural and media industry on the contemporary representation of women, BiPoC, people with disabilities and LGBTIQIA+ in film and on stage. We often unintentionally pass on sexist, queerphobic, racist, antiziganist [3], anti-Semitic or ableist prejudices without realizing it. Moreover, despite extensive research, we often present experiences that we have not had ourselves in a simplified or clichéd way. The reality is usually much more interesting and less predictable. The exchange with our experts therefore not only leads to less discrimination, but also offers the opportunity for a more authentic portrayal and thus a more original, surprising and modern story.
RISING GAZE helps through Sensitivity Reading and Sensitivity Consulting
to challenge discriminatory narratives
to make scripts and plays more gender-responsive
to tell about experiences that you do not know from your own life (e.g. racism, trauma, disability etc.)
portray pregnancy, birth, postpartum and parenthood more realistically
to revise stories to reflect the diversity of society
we are also happy to provide diversity editing services
Another important topic is the depiction of violence against FLINTA* in films and series. Studies [4] show, that young men who repeatedly consume films with sexual violence, tend to be more accepting of this violence and rape myths. The consequences of traumatic experiences for the victim are rarely discussed, and those affected by violence only have their say in 8% of the films.
to find alternatives to "Women in Refridgerators"
to illuminate the context of society as a whole when depicting violence
to portray violence from the perspective of those affected and address the consequences (dissociation, flashbacks, PTSD)
to challenge harmful narratives such as false accusations and rape myths
Just try it out:
[3] Der Begriff Antiziganismus wird kontrovers diskutiert. Da er jedoch vom Zentralrat Deutscher Sinti und Roma empfohlen wird, verwenden wir ihn je. Mehr dazu hier:
[4] Hier eine Übersicht: