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Sun-Ju Choi_Sarah Eick _edited.jpg


[she/her] Screenwriter - Expert on racism, gender, sexism and classism


Sun-Ju Choi studied film and screenwriting at the DFFB (German Film and Television Academy Berlin) and received her PhD on "Father State, Mother Party. Family Images in North Korean Film" at the University of Tübingen. She curated different film festivals and exhibitions and is co-director of the Asian Film Festival Berlin. As an expert, she accompanies and advises film series, exhibitions and events. Her many years of expertise as a script editor, dramaturge and diversity consultant are called upon by various institutions and organizations, including Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum e.V. and Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Dresden.


Sun-Ju Choi has been involved in the field of anti-racism, representation and participatory justice for many years. She is a board member of Vielfalt im Film e.V., neue deutsche organisationen e.V. and korientation - Netzwerk für Asiatisch-Deutsche Perspektiven.

Sun-Ju Choi speaks German, Korean, English and French.

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D&I Storydevelopment - Consulting on ​Gender, Diversity and Inclusion

Marienburger Str. 5/5a, 10405 Berlin, Germany


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