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Daniel Dornhöfer_Max Sonnenschein.jpg


[he/him] Expert for ADHD, autism, neurodivergence & depression


Daniel is a photographer and creative from Mainz with a deep understanding of neurodivergence and mental health. Since his ADHD diagnosis (combined with depression and autism spectrum), he has been working intensively with the challenges and potentials of neurodivergent people. In doing so, he has learned to use the strengths of his neurodivergence specifically for his work and to enrich creative processes with them. Whether in product development, story development or other areas where creative “out of the box” thinking, process optimization and an eye for detail are required, Daniel's expertise has proven to be useful. His own work - including short films, music videos and the photo project “Flüchtling?Mensch!” - demonstrates his ability to sensitively portray social diversity and the complex dynamics of the human psyche. Through his work as a still photographer, Daniel has years of experience on the set of film productions. His life experience in a neurotypical world and his creative expertise make him a valuable consultant for authentic and inclusive narratives. 


Daniel speaks German and English.

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D&I Storydevelopment - Consulting on ​Gender, Diversity and Inclusion

Marienburger Str. 5/5a, 10405 Berlin, Germany


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