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[she / her] Production assistance & coordination


Yasmin Saleh completed her education as an actress and singer at the Bühnenstudio in Hamburg. She then appeared in numerous films and theaterplays, including as Mescalina in "Smak" (directed by Khavn de la Cruz), as a chorus singer in "Hyäne Fischer - The Total Musical" (directed by Marlene Engel) at Volksbühne Berlin and as Mrs. Heinrich in "Die Weber" at Thalia Theater in Hamburg (directed by Kornél Mundruczó).


Yasmin has also worked for several years as a production assistant for film and television, including for Film Fatal Hamburg and Magis TV GmbH. Her tasks include among others production coordination, cost calculation and the creation of production, editing and shooting schedules.


Together with Johanna Polley, she founded the AG Inklusion as part of Pro Quote Bühne, which she currently heads.



D&I Storydevelopment - Consulting on ​Gender, Diversity and Inclusion

Marienburger Str. 5/5a, 10405 Berlin, Germany


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